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Our publications

Cover der deutschen und englischen Ausgabe des Konstruktiven Ki-Kompass

Constructive AI Compass

Knowledge, tools, and tips for daily editorial work.

The Constructive AI Compass provides the necessary knowledge to understand and utilize artificial intelligence to make your journalistic work more constructive.

78 pages // A5


German edition

English edition

Cover der bi Psychologie-Serie

Psychology for Journalists

Practical knowledge, tools and tips

Why do more and more people avoid the news? Why do people love to be right – including journalists? How exactly can we explain the hatred and agitation that all too often result from debates in the media? And, above all, how can responsible journalism counteract these tendencies? 

As is so often the case, simple answers are of no help. If you dive deeper, you'll quickly find yourself grappling with fundamental issues and psychological insights that can help journalism enormously.

193 pages // A5
Prize: 16,00 €

Available from October 4, 2024 – pre-order now.

Ordering the print versions

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