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Illustration "Dialog"
Illustration eines Fernglases auf einem Stativ


Artificial Intelligence in Journalism

— "Prompt Book" – a Constructive AI Toolkit for Journalists. The Bonn Institute, in collaboration with its project partners, is developing guidelines for the responsible and constructive use of generative AI in journalism. We will provide the results, research tips, and tools for editorial everyday life here.
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Figur in hoffnungsvoller Pose


From helpless to hopeful: How journalists can inspire audiences to feel more empowered

— How to do journalism that fosters hopefulness and informed action — plus, special tips for climate reporting. Part 8 of the article series "Psychology for Journalists". By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Unsortierte Bilder eines Wesens


Heels over head? How order can change a whole story

— What you hear first about an issue may subconsciously affect your research, interview style and give a twist to your storytelling. Learn more about order effects, plus get some tools and tips to responsibly account for these in your journalistic work in part 7 of the article series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Katja Ehrenberg and Margarida Alpuim
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2 Figuren beim Interview


Appreciative Inquiry: How to ask questions that focus on growth

— How an approach from organisational psychology can help journalists craft questions to make their reporting more constructive. Part 6 of the series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Illustration of a group of people in a frame


Why images are so powerful — and what matters when choosing them

— The impact of images and tips for journalists on how to make constructive decisions about picture selection and framing. Part 5 of the article series "Psychology for Journalists". By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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b future festival logo with black text color and white background.


b° future festival

— On September 15-16, 2023, we are hosting the first b° future festival for journalism and constructive dialogue. Click here for the Call for Participation.
Zur Festival-Website
Ein Wesen betrachtet sich im Spiegel


The tricky “Why?”: About simplistic explanations and more nuanced reporting

— How cognitive biases shape the way people attribute reasons to events and behaviours, and tools for journalists to counteract imbalances in causal attribution with constructive approaches. Part 4 of the article series "Psychology for Journalists". By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Vier Teammitglieder halten sich an den Händen.


Referent/-in Projekte und Forschung für das Bonn Institute (gn)

— Du wünschst Dir mehr Lösungsorientierung, Vielfalt und konstruktive Debatten in den Medien? Du möchtest aktiv daran mitwirken, dass guter Journalismus auch morgen noch relevant ist? Dann bist Du bei uns richtig! Ab sofort suchen wir Dich als Referent/-in Projekte und Forschung (gn)
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Diverse Wesen in einer Gruppe


Sense of community in times of polarisation: how journalists can counter the “us versus them”

— How sense of community impacts people's feelings and actions — and journalistic tools for a less polarising reporting: Part 3 of the article series "Psychology for Journalists" By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Illustration "Medien"


Redakteur/-in und Community-Manager/-in (gn)

— Du wünschst Dir mehr Lösungsorientierung, Vielfalt und konstruktive Debatten in den Medien? Du möchtest aktiv daran mitwirken, dass guter Journalismus auch morgen noch relevant ist? Dann bist Du bei uns richtig! Bewirb Dich bis zum 06. März 2023
Redakteur/-in und Community-Manager/-in für das Bonn Institute (gn)

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