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Illustration "Dialog"
A man taking part in b° local smiles during the kickoff workshop

More and better reporting on local solutions

— At the kickoff for b° local, the Bonn Institute's flagship innovation program on constructive local journalism, participants from newsrooms and media organizations started the central training phase of the yearlong project by developing specific individual goals.
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Eine Frau schreibt auf einem Flipchart

A fresh take on election coverage

— How can you report constructively on elections and reach your audience better? With the German federal election right around the corner, these questions couldn't be timelier. The Bonn Institute provided easy-to-implement tips and tools that addressed these very issues at a masterclass in Berlin.
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b° local logo

b° local launches!

— b° local – an innovative, year-long program from the Bonn Institute and the Association of German Local Newspapers and Local Media (VDL) – has started. Nine editorial teams will receive continuous input on solutions-oriented local journalism while producing solutions articles and measuring and discussing their success.
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Claudia Rittel and Donata Dröge stand in front of a screen while giving a presentation on AI in journalism

Using AI constructively in journalism

— The masterclass "Using AI constructively," which took place late November in Cologne, offered journalists a hands-on chance to learn how artificial intelligence can enrich their work. Special focus was placed on incorporating diverse perspectives and solutions into reporting via AI tools.
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The inside of giant white domed tent with people sitting onstage and other people sitting at chairs in the audience watching the onstage speakers

A celebration of democracy: The b° future festival 2024

— The second edition of the b° future festival took place October 3 to 5 in Bonn, Germany, with the Münsterplatz, Bonn’s main square, at the center of events. With around 190 different events, the festival brought together international media professionals, local attendees and curious passersby for three days of dialogue, discovery and engagement.
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Das Bild zeigt die Speaker der Panel-Diskussion "Exploring new news (Why news doesn't have to be bad)" auf dem Global Media Forum 2024. In der Mitte steht Ellen Heinrichs.

Sharing Solutions: The Bonn Institute at the GMF 2024

— This year's Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn was all about solutions. On June 17 and 18, people from all over the world from the media industry, politics, science, education, business and civil society came together at the World Conference Center to discuss current socio-political conflicts and challenges in journalism. This time, the focus was not on the problems - but on constructive and innovative approaches to tackling them.
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Ellen Heinrichs spricht in Perugia

Seven things journalists can do to counter news avoidance

— At #ijf24 in Perugia, Ellen Heinrichs and Nic Newman presented seven strategies for combating news fatigue that have already proven successful in practice.
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Männchen jongliert.


Mental health, self-care and resilience in journalism

— Many journalists work under stressful, sometimes dangerous conditions, and regularly come face to face with severe human suffering. In such an environment, it is essential to take care of oneself in order to preserve one’s health, motivation to work and a constructive mind-set. Learn how in the 12th and final article of “Psychology for Journalists”. By Katja Ehrenberg and Margarida Alpuim
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Abstrakte Darstellung von Kommunikationselementen mit einem lachenden Charakter, einem Mikrofon und stilisierten Mediengeräten, um die Dynamik der Medienpsychologie zu veranschaulichen.


The Harvard Principles applied to journalism: From conflicting positions to constructive dialogues

— How journalists can get inspiration from mediation principles to develop and use constructive practices for dialogue when moderating discussions and reporting on divisive issues. Part 11 of the series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Zeichnung eines Männchens, welches auf einer Box steht


Psychological effects of power: What journalists need to know

— Being powerful or powerless affects what we pay attention to and how we think, feel, make decisions, and behave. Find out how to recognise particular signals of power or powerlessness in others and how to use your own power constructively in your everyday journalistic practice. Part 10 of our article series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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