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For Management

Illustration eines Kompasses

Management in media organisations has been stressed non-stop for years. New platforms, paywalls and processes needed to be introduced. Attention had to be fought for while winning the race for speed. New products needed to be developed for target groups that had become used to having personalised online content delivered to them at any given moment.

Offers for content-producing departments

These challenges left little time to create a new compass for the actual core of the business: journalism. How does journalism need to develop going forward if it wants to maintain its public value and relevance? What types of content will people be willing to pay for? What does this mean for departmental structures and recruiting? The Bonn Institute offers the content-producing teams of media houses the chance to work through these issues alongside trainers and coaches, all the while testing the possibilities and limits of constructive journalism.

Are you interested in a customized workshop for your content-producing department? Get in touch with Ellen Heinrichs or Alexander Sängerlaub.

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