Project partners
Uniten supports the transformation of the media industry with performance analytics technology. Metrics on reading intensity, reader share, and clickouts at the content and segment level provide deep insights into how solutions-oriented approaches impact audience success and the sustainability of digital subscriptions. All data is stored in compliance with GDPR on European servers.
The Association of German Local Newspapers and Local Media (VDL), with its approximately 70 members, is dedicated to promoting and supporting local journalism in rural areas. Various VDL publishers are collaborating under the leadership of the Bonn Institute and uniten for b° local, which enhances and strengthens reader loyalty, positive perception, and the relevance of the local media landscape.
The Bonn Institute
The Bonn Institute is the center of excellence for innovative and constructive journalism in the DACH region. Since 2022, it has been teaching user-oriented journalism practices that help newsrooms develop their journalism in line with the needs of their audiences. Shareholders of the nonprofit institute include the Rheinische Post Media Group and RTL Deutschland, among others.
The project with the Bonn Institute was a valuable experience for the newsroom. It meant more work, but it was worth it. Now we often look beyond our city limits and even abroad to explore the solutions that are out there. Sometimes they aren't even far away — in our case, just a trip to the Netherlands can provide valuable insights. We ask ourselves what solutions exist and constantly learn new related things. My tip: Never forget that you're writing for an audience that is strongly focused on Mönchengladbach.
Concept & scope of services
Studies and user analyses have consistently conveyed a clear message for years: The path to success in journalism lies in content that provides genuine added value to users. If local journalism fails to process and narrate the major issues of our time in a way that connects to the lived realities of people on the ground, it risks becoming irrelevant. Additionally, a repetitive focus on problems offers little value and is challenging to monetize.
However, newsrooms that prioritize solutions-oriented coverage report increased user engagement and more intensive usage. These effects were measured in the project "Solution Journalism in Local Contexts," implemented by the Bonn Institute in cooperation with Rheinische Post. Such approaches hold immense potential, especially for subscription models.
Building on these insights, the program b° local, which was developed by VDL, the Bonn Institute, and uniten, equips newsrooms for local reporting that benefits both audiences and publishers alike.
The b° local program includes the following services:
- Intensive training in solutions-oriented reporting
- Ongoing support in text work and performance data analysis
- Regular digital meetings for knowledge transfer and analysis of usage statistics
- Provision of unitenLight, including data collection and analysis of project-relevant KPIs
- Access to the uniten dashboard and the uniten RIM (Read Intensity Map)
- Insights into the analytical data of your own publication
- Workshops on performance metrics (optional)
- Visits to editorial departments and on-the-job coaching (optional)
Project timeline & key dates
Project timeline
- Kickoff call for editors-in-chief and management (2 hours, virtual): Introduction to the program, solutions journalism, and monetization; deep dive into data analysis within the framework of b° local.
- Intensive workshop for participants from editorial, sales, and user analytics teams (1.5 days, in-person):
Introduction to solutions-oriented local journalism, exploring the connection between solutions journalism and conversion, retention, and engagement; development of content focus areas. - Digital check-ins (every 3 weeks, 90 minutes each):
Discussion of user analyses, editorial how-tos, short presentations by newsrooms, and development of lessons learned. - Optional: Visits to editorial departments and individual coaching by senior advisors from the Bonn Institute and/or analysts from uniten.
- Presentation: Final workshop and presentation of results (in-person).
- Project conclusion: Documentation of key learnings in the form of a toolbox and digital follow-ups to ensure sustainable transformation success.
The year-long b° local program is aimed at local news and media publishers seeking to better align their offerings with audience needs, enhance the sustainability of digital subscriptions, and reach new target groups. Each publication can have up to three participants from editorial, sales, and user analytics teams. At least one participant should be from the editorial team. Editors-in-chief and publishing managers are actively involved in the program to ensure the long-term success of the initiative.
Program duration
The innovation program b° local runs for twelve months and began in December 2024. Spaces are limited. Participating publishers pay a monthly participation fee for their team. Ten spots are available at a discounted rate for publications that are members of the VDL.
The registration deadline for b° local has passed.
You can now sign up for a spot on the waitlist and be the first to receive updates about the second round of the program.
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Project team

Stéphanie Barsch
Senior Beraterin

Christof Groner
Geschäftsführer Uniten

Daniela Braun
Referentin der Geschäftsführung, VDL

Peter Lindner
Leiter Projekte und Forschung, Bonn Institute

Claudia Isabel Rittel
Referentin Projekte und Forschung, Bonn Institute

Lisa Urlbauer
Leiterin Journalistische Trainings