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Your destination for constructive journalism

Together, we're taking journalism into the future – with a focus on solutions, diverse perspectives, and meaningful dialogue. Our aim is to provide value to individuals and bolster our society.

Drei Personen tragen einen Pfeil.

A selection of our partners and customers

Constructive Journalism

In theory

Constructive journalism explicitly focuses on the well-being of society and the interests of people. Find out more about the three elements of constructive journalism: diverse perspectives, a focus on solutions, and constructive dialogue.

Our publications

Together with the media industry, we are looking for ways in which journalism must change in order to remain relevant in the future. In our publications, we share knowledge, tools and tips for day-to-day work.

Tips from the industry

Many newsrooms and media companies are already developing new formats and approaches, and making their reporting more solution-oriented and inclusive of a wider range of perspectives. This is where media professionals share their experiences.

Good practices

To understand the full range of what constructive journalism can be, it helps to look at practical examples. Remember: Nobody's perfect. These examples are not meant to define what is constructive. Rather, they are intended to illustrate the details that can make a difference.

Do you have a passion for journalism with real impact?

Then we have a spot for you – in our new Bonn Institute traineeship!

Apply now until March 31 for the 24-month traineeship!

The Bonn Institute traineeship offers you the best of many worlds: It combines editorial experience and training opportunities in various media organizations and journalism schools with both theoretical and practical work at the Bonn Institute. During your training, you can set your own priorities and help shape your training plan.

The traineeship starts on June 1.

Apply now! (Application in German)

The Bonn Institute provides a constructive, feasible response to some of the big challenges facing the sector: the shift of attention to social platforms, political polarization, news fatigue, and the decline in trust.

Professor Lucy Kueng

Expert on strategy, innovation and leadership

These two days were an absolute whirlwind of eye-opening conversations, thought-provoking panels, and inspiring moments that left me buzzing with excitement.

Méline Laffabry, founder of aidóni

The latest BI happenings

A man taking part in b° local smiles during the kickoff workshop

More and better reporting on local solutions

— At the kickoff for b° local, the Bonn Institute's flagship innovation program on constructive local journalism, participants from newsrooms and media organizations started the central training phase of the yearlong project by developing specific individual goals.
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Eine Frau schreibt auf einem Flipchart

A fresh take on election coverage

— How can you report constructively on elections and reach your audience better? With the German federal election right around the corner, these questions couldn't be timelier. The Bonn Institute provided easy-to-implement tips and tools that addressed these very issues at a masterclass in Berlin.
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b° local logo

b° local launches!

— b° local – an innovative, year-long program from the Bonn Institute and the Association of German Local Newspapers and Local Media (VDL) – has started. Nine editorial teams will receive continuous input on solutions-oriented local journalism while producing solutions articles and measuring and discussing their success.
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Upcoming Events

  1. Masterclass

    Konstruktive Klimaberichterstattung

    Tag 1: 12:00 bis 18:00 Uhr (optional: gemeinsames Abendessen für Selbstzahler)
    Tag 2: 9:00 bis 16:30 Uhr

    Gemeinschaftswerks der Evangelischen Publizistik
    Emil-von-Behring-Straße 3
    60439 Frankfurt am Main

  2. Grundlagen-Workshop

    Grundlagen konstruktiver Journalismus

    14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr

    Das Event findet digital via Zoom statt.

  3. Grundlagen-Workshop

    Grundlagen konstruktiver Journalismus

    14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr

    Das Event findet digital via Zoom statt.

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